Thursday, December 31, 2009

Cinema Courses I'm In For Spring Semester

I'm only in one Cinema course for the spring semester. I took a little lighter load this time around in order to work more. Need some money!

Anyways, the course is a screenwriting course called: Screenwriting - Long Form. Here is a description from the U Iowa site.

This is a workshop in dramatic writing for film. The series of lectures and discussions include the following topics: understanding the medium, developing the material (concept-premise-character), the three-act structure and alternatives, and the stages in writing the screenplay. Aside from a reading packet, a number of contemporary screenplays are used as instructional materials. The minimum requirement for undergraduates is a screenplay for a 30-minute or 1-hour television program, or a short screenplay ranging from 30-60 pages.

So we will see how it goes. I only took this course because all of the production courses had filled up by the time I was able to register. So I opted to take the screenwriting course.

Honestly, I was a little conflicted about taking this course because I've been screenwriting for the past five years. I've been reading, writing, studying, and making connections with other screenwriters around the world. My initial ignorant thinking was "what can these guys teach me that I haven't already learned or taught myself?" Well, I realize that was ill-thinking on my part. So I figured I would take the opportunity to do work on an idea for a feature I've been tossing around in my head.

So that's what I've got for myself in the future of U Iowa and the Cinema program. Let's see what happens!!

Friday, December 25, 2009


So it's that time of year. Presents, presents, and more presents. I like how beautiful snow can be but I hate the coldness that comes with it. Love it all or hate it all?? Nope. Not me =) I'm difficult.

Saw SHERLOCK HOLMES this evening. It was pretty decent. I read the screenplay before seeing the film. It was interesting to see the changes and how everything that pretty much stayed the same played out visually.

However, I was even more excited to see the new trailer for INCEPTION. OH WOW! I can't wait for that one.

Other than the holiday mumbo jumbo I've been reading screenplays, writing, and reading. I've read a couple things from this years' Black List. Some interesting stuff. Been reading things coming out in the future like KICK ASS. Also another one I can't wait to see come alive.

Really just been a nice laid back holiday so far. New Years is just around the bend. Gotta start making my resolution list!!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Undergrad Studies @ Iowa

So I wanted to talk about my undergrad studies for a moment.

I'm an undergrad, in my sophmore year, at the University of Iowa. I'm a Cinema major. I'm on the production side of the major more so than the analysis/theory side. I want to focus on writing and directing.

I'm going to list off the courses I've taken so far. I'll list the course name, brief description, and what I did for the course in terms of assignments.


This course is the level one prodcution course every undergad in Cinema MUST take. You are exposed to the general filmmaking process (writing, filming, editing). The course had a written mid-term and final.

For this course I had four main projects: one shot film, a soundscape, a class project, a short screenplay, and a final video project.

For the one shot you had to simply tell a story in one minute without any editing. It also had to be non-synch. The soundscape needed the student to create an audio story. The class project was called Bran & Park. We took a two-page, only dialogue, screenplay and, as a class, had to visually create a story for it. This was a studio shoot. The short screenplay was just as it sounds. The final was a video project. We shot on Canon MiniDV camcorders. The audio had to be non-synch. You were given the choice to do whatever you wanted for a story concept. We edited on Final Cut Pro.


Through film screenings and scholarly readings we learned about how to analyze films. That simple.

The course was all about reading and viewing. The assignments we had were two, five page, papers and a written mid-term and final.

The films we watched were...

Citizen Kane (Orson Welles, 1941, USA)

The Marriage of Maria Braun (Rainer Fassbinder, 1979, Germany)

The Royal Tenenbaums (Wes Anderson, 2001, USA)

Mulholland Drive (David Lynch, 2001, USA)

Strangers on a Train (Alfred Hitchcock, 1951, USA)

Man With A Movie Camera (Dziga Vertov, 1929, Soviet Union)

Playtime (Jacques Tati, 1967, France)

Who Killed Vincent Chin? (Christine Choy and Renee Tajima, 1987, USA)

Ballet Mecanique (Fernand Leger, 1924, France); Un Chien Andalou (Luis Bunuel, 1929, France) The Seahorse (Jean Painleve, 1934, France); Meshes of the Afternoon (Maya Deren, 1943, USA); The Act of Seeing With One's Eyes (Stan Brakhage, 1971, USA); Alone. Life Wastes Andy Hardy (Martin Arnold, 1998, Austria); Outer Space (Peter Tscherkassy, 1999, Austria)

Taxi Driver (Martin Scorcese, 1976, USA)

Dog Day Afternoon (Sidney Lumet, 1975, USA)

Blonde Venus (Josef von Sternberg, 1932, USA)

Stranger than Paradise (Jim Jarmusch, 1984, USA)

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (Michel Gondry, 2004, USA)

And that's it for that!


An introduction to 16mm Film. You are introduced to the Bolex H16 Rex-5 and ArriS. The course requires you to keep an on-going journal; which you can use to write down anything. There are a few quizes you take and a written final.

You have a few film projects as well. You have a test shoot -- you and a couple others take some film stock and shoot whatever you want; it serves as your introduction to the camera and lightmeter. You have a handmade project -- using found footage that you manipulate or using clear leader to create an animation, you create a film. There is a film shoot with the ArriS as an in-camera edit -- the same thing as the test shoot only with the ArriS and you use color stock. Then you have a film final. You shoot whatever you want. You can add sound if you want. You shoot on whatever kind of stock you want. Editing is done on old school Moviolas and hand splicers.


And that's it. That's as far as I've gotten in my studies of Cinema. More to come though!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Beginning...

So this is the first OFFICIAL blog entry...

What do I do? How do I start this whole blogging thing-a-ma-bob?

I guess I'll give you the usual backstory stuff!

I graduated high school back in '05 from a medium sized town located in mid-eastern Iowa. Right around my Senior year came my desire to be a filmmaker. I was watching a movie, the title I don't recall, and I wasn't too impressed with some of the details. So I started tossing ideas in my head on how I would improve the movie.

Then I thought, "Hey. I love movies. Why not make my own?"

I knew from the beginning that behind all the visual aesthetics of cinema was something crucial - the story. The story was the main thing I would need in order to make a good film. So I bought some screenwriting books and started studying and writing. Since that time I've purchased more books and done more studying and more writing. I also realized how important it was to read other screenplays. Much like you would read novels to learn how to write better ones yourself, I knew I would need to read and study screenplays others had written.

So I was writing. It felt good. However, I needed to actually make films! So I looked around for in-state Universities that could help me pursue an education in film - I discovered the University of Iowa. I worked a couple years and then finally applied and was accepted to the University.

I am now in my Sophmore year of study and loving every minute of it. Well, Finals week is a pain but I gotta take the bad with the good.

During my time here thus far, I've made three shorts. Over the course of the four years I've been screenwriting I've written: two feature-lengths, an hour long, and various lenghts of shorts.

Since I started this whole journey back in '05 I've met a ton of screenwriters and filmmakers. I've learned a lot. I hope to continue learning as best as I can. I am by no means a professional. I've never sold anything. All I can offer to anyone is my honest opinion.

What do I intend to use this whole blogging thing for???

1) I'll share my undergrad experiences with you.

2) I'll talk about my studies of screenwriting. What I've found that I like and don't like in writing.

3) Share my films/videos and writings.

4) Discuss the world of Cinema.

5) And whatever else comes to mind!

The main thing I want to do is have fun with this. Hopefully, some of you will have fun too.